Lal Kitab Remedies

About Lal Kitab

  • Lal Kitab in Hindi

Pandit Shri Rupchand Joshi Ji (1898–1982), resident of Village Pharwala, Nurmahal tehsil in Jalandhar district of Punjab, authored the Lal Kitab from 1939 to 1952 in five volumes. He is regarded as the master of this science.

The names of the five set of books authored by Pandit Shri Rupchand Joshi Ji, together called as Lal Kitab with their years of publication, are as follows:

  • Lal Kitab Ke Farman , (Ilm Samudrik Ki Lal Kitab Ke Farman), 1939, 383 pages
  • Lal Kitab Ke Arman (Ilm Samudrik Ki Lal Kitab Ke Arman), 1940, 280 pages
  • Gutka (Ilm Samudrik Ki Lal Kitab) (Third Part), 1941, 428 pages
  • Lal Kitab – Tarmeem Shuda, 1942, 384 pages
  • Ilm-e-Samudrik Ki Buniyad Par Chalne Vali Jotish Ki Lal Kitab, 1952, 1173 pages

The book is very popular across the world, many of its astrological remedies (upaya) have become part of everyday culture in the subcontinent, like throwing coins into a river while passing over it, feeding grass to cow, bread to a dog etc.

The mysterious book contains wonderful remedies which have been time tested and proved genuine and effective by many. Lal Kitab is unique because for the first time a book explained how certain planetary positions in one's horoscope should also reflect in the lines of his palm. In other word the book is on Astro-Palmistry, that is, it has mixed Palmistry and Jyotish.

For the first time in the history of astrology, Lal Kitab introduced a new style of horoscope analysis with quick and affordable remedies.

There are many followers of Lal Kitab. In India and abroad one can find many practitioners of Lal Kitab, prescribing remedies as per Farman & Arman of these books. There are many people, who claim to have benefited from the remedies of these books. The mass followers of Lal Kitab are increasing every day and this science has become very popular in present days throughout different parts of world.

Pandit Ji

  • Lal Kitab Ke Totke For Money

Pandit Shri Roop Chand Joshi Ji, the author of Lal Kitab astrology, was born on January 18, 1898 at Jalandhar (Punjab) in the village of Farwala. The Father of Pandit Ji, named Pandit Jyoti Ram Joshi Ji, was working in Punjab Revenue Department and was the owner of a farm. Pandit Roop Chand Ji’s mother passed away in his early childhood. Being the elder brother in the house all the family responsibility came over him. Pandit Ji’s childhood passed in very hardships. He was very fond of learning. Many of his writings in Urdu were excellent and his command over Urdu was very praiseworthy. His education was made in Urdu, Farsi and English.

At that time, Hindi Language was spoken by Hindu women only, in Punjab. Males mostly were using Urdu and English and very rarely Hindi. This was the reason for the Government’s official work to be done in Urdu and English. Everyone was writing and reading Urdu. Urdu was the common-man language that time. This is the reason why Lal Kitab is written in Urdu so that common-man can understand it well. Since, learned men were knowing Farsi, some Farsi words are also introduced in the Lal Kitab book at various places.

Pandit Roop Chand Ji had passed out the Vajife Exam (Competitive Exam for Accountancy) which was very tough at that time. Because of his good command over English language, he got the Government Service at Indian Defense Accounts.

Pandit Ji was very clever from the childhood. Apart from that, he had such an excellency that in the childhood only, he was able to tell about the owner of cattle just by seeing their forehead. After passing the Matric Exam, he got the knowledge of Palm-Reading on his own without learning anything.

Till his 50’s, Pandit Ji had become so much famous that there was always a long queue of Public, Ministers, Officers, Businessmen etc. to know their forecasting. He was not seeing Kundali after sunset. He had a pen that he called it a ‘Lal Kalam’ through which he was used to write ‘Hukma’ which was sure to be fructified. In this manner, he facilitated so many people in their various problems.

Pandit Ji is one of the greatest astrologers of the history. Lal Kitab was his Action Field and it alone was his vision of life.

Our Group

  • Lal Kitab Ke Totke For Money

Lal Qitab Ke Vidyarthi

It is the matter of pleasure for the lovers of Lal Kitab that in order to continue the research on the profound study of Lal Kitab, the group called ‘Lal Qitab Ke Vidyarthi’ has been established. The sole purpose of this group is to propagate the knowledge of Lal Kitab in the mankind with proper awareness and implications.

As the name of the group suggests, all the members of this group are the students of Lal Kitab and will remain the same in the time to come.

This group was originated on 15th January, 2015. The credit for creating this group goes to Shri Haresh Pancholi Ji (Vidyarthi Lal Qitab) who is situated at Ahmedabad, Gujarat (India) and Shri Milkh Raj Baghla Ji who is situated at Chandigarh (from Fazilka), Punjab (India). The creation of this group is the result of their tireless efforts and thoughtfulness.

The prime and foremost objective of this group is to transliterate all the five parts of Lal Kitab into Hindi Script and to make it available to the people in general.

With this declaration, it is important for us to let you know that we do have the full respect for all the branches of Astrology and we never ever criticize any other branch of the Astrology. While keeping faith and respect for all the branches and scholars of the Astrology, we are working on the research work of the ‘Lal Kitab’.

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You can download very rare books on Astrology from the following links in both the languages viz. Hindi and Urdu.

Lal Kitab - Hindi Books

Contact Us

Lal Qitab Research Center

Simandhar Metro, Nr. Vishwas City-5, S.G.Highway, Gota, Ahmedabad,
Gujarat (India) - 382481.

Phone: +91 846 001 9009


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